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نظم اتحاد طلبة الجامعة الأردنية في كلية الأمير الحسين بن عبدالله الثاني للدراسات الدولية ندوة حوارية بعنوان رؤية وطن 2030 بالتعاون مع نادي الطلبة السعوديين في عمّان حاضر فيها رئيس الشؤون الإعلامية المتحدث الرسمي في سفارة المملكة العربية السعودية لدى المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية عبدالسلام بن عبدالله العنزي.

وتأتي هذه الندوة ضمن سلسلة من الندوات التي يقيمها الاتحاد والنادي للمساهمة في رفع نسبة الوعي لدى الطلبة حول العديد من القضايا المتعلقة بإحداث التغيير نحو الأفضل استناداً إلى دور الشباب في النهوض بالمجتمع ومؤسساته وقدرته على التغيير ورفد الحياة السياسية بما تحتاجه.

وقدم العنزي خلال الندوة ملامح رؤية المملكة العربية السعودية في 2030، التي أعلنتها المملكة ضمن خطة عريضة للاصلاح والتنمية والنهوض باقتصادها وتحريرها من الاعتماد على النفط.

وعرض العنزي أبرز نقاط هذه الخطة المتمثلة بتحويل صندوق الاستثمارات العامة السعودي إلى صندوق سيادي يصبح مستقبلا من أضخم الصناديق السيادية عالميا، بالإضافة إلى تحسين وضع المملكة الاقتصادي لتصبح ضمن أفضل 15 اقتصادا في العالم بدلا من موقعها الراهن في المرتبة العشرين، وتعزيز خطة مكافحة الفساد بحيث تكون في مقدمة الدول في هذا الأمر.

وتابع العنزي أن المملكة تفرد اهتماما خاصا برفع عدد المعتمرين سنويا من 8 ملايين إلى 30 مليون معتمر، وزيادة مشاركة النساء في سوق العمل من 22% إلى 30% وخفض نسبة البطالة بين السعوديين من 11.6% إلى 7%، فضلا عن سعيها لإنشاء شركة قابضة للصناعات العسكرية مملوكة بالكامل للحكومة، وإعادة هيكلة قطاع الاسكان للمساهمة في رفع نسب تملك السعوديين، إضافة إلى رفع عدد المواقع الأثرية المسجلة في اليونسيكو إلى الضعف على الأقل، وتصنيف 3 مدن سعودية من بين أفضل 100 مدينة في العالم.

وقدم العنزي خلال محاضرته عرضا تقديميا مفصلا لرؤية الوطن بحلول العام 2030، أوضح خلاله المحاور والأهداف والركائز الاستراتيجية والبرامج المحورية التي ستطلقها المملكة لتحقيق رؤيتها وأهدافها، مركزا على أهمية الأمن لأي بلد من البلدان العربية، وضرورة أن يكون المرء قادرا على التمييز بين الحقيقة والإشاعة حتى يعم الأمن والسلام في البلاد.

وتخلل الندوة محاضرة للمدرب الدولي السعودي صدّيق البارفي قدم خلالها إضاءات للطلبة حول آلية اختيار وظيفة مناسبة ضمن خطوات علمية مدروسة وليس بشكل عشوائي، ودعاهم إلى ضرورة سلوك المسار الصحيح في اختيار ما يناسب قدراتهم وهواياتهم وتخصصاتهم.

وفي ختام الندوة التي حضرها مساعد عميد شؤون الطلبة مدير مكتب الوافدين في الجامعة الدكتور نبيل المجالي، ورئيس نادي الطلبة السعوديين في عمّان الدكتور ظامي الشمراني، وعدد من طلبة الكلية وأعضاء النادي والطلبة السعوديين في الجامعة، أجاب المحاضران عن أسئلة واستفسارات الحضور


The University of Jordan (UJ) Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah School of International Studies on Thursday hosted a lecture on "Latin American Relations with the Arab World" by ambassadors of some Latin American countries in Jordan.


At the beginning of his speech, the Brazilian Ambassador in Amman Francisco Carlos Soares Luz displayed some aspects of the Brazilian history, population and culture.


"It's estimated that between at least 10 million Brazilians have some Arab ancestry," he said, adding the current Brazilian president is the son of a Lebanese migrant.


The Diplomat also referred to the shared vision with the Arab counties regarding some of the region's political issues, "the Brazilian engagement in causes such as the defense of a Palestinian state has popular support," he stated.


With regards to Jordan, the Ambassador indicated that there are 3500 people with Brazilian citizenship living in Jordan, adding that trade exchange between the two countries in this century valued between 200 and 300 million USD.
The Mexican Ambassador to Jordan Enrique Rojo Stein in his intervention explained some of his country's important economic and political aspects, highlighting that in 2015 the Mexican economy ranked as the 13th largest in the world.


He said that his country has trade agreements with 46 countries, stating that more agreements are under negotiation currently, including one with Jordan.
Addressing foreign policy, the Diplomat referred to actions being developed to expand and consolidate his country's presence in the Middle East and in Jordan in particular, "a nation for which Mexico feels a special appreciation".


Venezuelan Ambassador to Jordan Fausto Fernandez displayed the Venezuelan government's efforts and policies to improve the welfare and social well-being of the Venezuelan people, which have led to decreasing poverty rate from 60% to 24%.


The Ambassador stated that the food and agriculture organization gave the Venezuelan government a diploma for the success of its policies aimed at decreasing hunger and malnutrition.


He also pointed to the strong relationships between Venezuela and countries of the Middle East, especially Jordan.


Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah School of International Studies Dean Prof. Abdullah Nuqrush pointed to the positive contribution of Arab immigrants in the development of relations between the people of Latin America and the Arab world during the 19th and 20th centuries.


"This coexistence between Arab immigrants and the original inhabitants affirms the civility, tolerance and cooperation among them," he said.


 نظمت كلیة الأمیر الحسین بن عبدالله الثاني للدراسات الدولیة في الجامعة الأردنیة الیوم ندوة متخصصة توعویة عن ظاھرة المخدرات ومكافحتھا وسبل الوقایة منھا بالتعاون مع مدیریة الأمن العام. وھدفت الندوة التي قدمھا مسؤول مركز معالجة مكافحة الادمان في مدیر مكافحة المخدرات المقدم فواز المساعید الى خلق وعي عام بین الطلبة بالقضایا المھمة ومد جسور التعاون مع المؤسسات الوطنیة للوقایة من ھذه الآفة التي تحتاج من الجامعات كافة العمل على توعیة طلبتھا للتخلص منھا. واستعرض المساعید اسباب انتشار المخدرات التي تعود الى غیاب الوازع الدیني وأصدقاء السوء وتقلید الآخرین بمسلكھم الخاطئ. وركز المساعید على أھمیة توعیة الطلبة بمخاطر تعاطي المخدرات ومدى أثرھا على المجتمع، وطرق الوقایة منھا، وضرورة تعاون الجامعة وطلبتھا مع المؤسسات الوطنیة المعنیة لمعالجة المشكلة، مبینا انواع المخدرات . وعرف المخدرات بانھا مواد تحتوي على عناصر في جوھرھا واذا تم تعاطیھا تؤدي الى الادمان الناتج عن خلل في الجھاز العصبي وخلایا الدماغ. وتحدث المساعید للحضور عن الخدمات المتخصصة التي یقدمھا مركز علاج المدمنین الذي اسس في عام ١٩٩٣، ودوره في معالجة وتأھیل المدمنین، ومراحل علاج الإدمان التي تتم وفق أسس طبیة وعلمیة حدیثة. وثمّن الطلبة إقامة مثل ھذه الندوات والمحاضرات التوعویة التي لما لھا من اثر بالغ في الوقایة من مخاطر وآفات تفتك بالشباب. وفي نھایة الندوة التي حضرھا عمید الكلیة الدكتور عبدالله نقرش، واعضاء الھیئة التدریسیة في الكلیة وحشد من الطلبة المحاضرة استمع المساعید لأسئلة الحضور وأجاب عنھا


أكد ممثل المفوضية الأوروبية لشؤون اللاجئين في الشرق الأوسط الدكتور ستيفانو سيفير على الجهود الاستثنائية التي تبذلها الحكومة الأردنية تجاه اللاجئين السوريين وما تقدمه لهم من خدمات منذ بدء الأزمة السورية.


وقال سيفير خلال محاضرة استضافته فيها كلية الأمير الحسين بن عبد الله الثاني للدراسات الدولية بعنوان"إدارة اللاجئين السوريين في الأردن"، إن الأردن من أكثر الدول التي تحملت عناء اللجوء السوري وشرعت حدودها للسوريين الفارين من أحداث العنف التي تشهدها بلادهم بالرغم من الأعباء الاقتصادية والاجتماعية التي تعيشها كدولة قليلة الموارد، وما تشكله الأزمة السورية من ضغوطات عليها.


وأضاف أن الأردن لا زال يتحمل الكثير فوق طاقته جراء تدفق اللاجئين السوريين إليه، في سبيل توفير مختلف الخدمات الصحية والتعليمية التي تضمن لهم حياة كريمة،  مشيرا إلى تقدير المجتمع الدولي للأردن ولقيادته الحكيمة في استقبال اللاجئين السوريين.


وأكد سيفير على ضرورة تضافر الجهود الدولية في مساندة الأردن ومشاركته في تحمل المسؤولية تجاه هذه الأزمة الانسانية الدولية، وتقديم كافة متطلبات المساعدة له.


وتناول سيفير خلال المحاضرة التي جاءت بحضور عميد الكلية الدكتور عبد الله نقرش وعدد من أعضاء الهيئتين التدريسية والإدارية والطلبة، الأحوال الإنسانية التي يعيشها اللاجئون السوريون في الأردن والظروف المعيشية التي تحيط بهم في مخيم الزعتري الأكبر في احتوائه للاجئين السوريين، مشيرا إلى أن ما نسبته 93% منهم يعيشون تحت خط الفقر.


وأوضح أن تفاقم الظروف التي يعيشها اللاجئون السوريون دفعت أعدادا كبيرة منهم إلى مغادرة الأردن والانتقال للعيش في دول مجاورة وفي أوروبا وأمريكا الشمالية، إلأ ان الغالبية بقيت في الأردن أملا في الرجوع إلى بلادهم بعد انتهاء أزمتها.


وأعرب سيفير في ختام محاضرته عن شكره لكلية الأمير الحسين بن عبد الله الثاني للدراسات الدولية لدورها الريادي في تنظيمها لمحاضرات وندوات تتخصص في موضوعاتها باللاجئين وحقوقهم الإنسانية بالتعاون مع مفوضية الأمم المتحدة للاجئين.


وخلال إدارته للمحاضرة أكد نائب العميد لشؤون العلاقات الدولية رئيس قسم التنمية الدكتور ناصر طهبوب أهمية المحاضرة التي تتناول موضوعا يشغل الشارعين المحلي والعربي ألا وهو موضوع اللاجئين السوريين المرتبط بمنظومة حقوق الإنسان، مشيرا إلى أن كلية الحسين بن عبد الله الثاني للدراسات الدولية تتصدر ضمن اهتماماتها  وخططها الدراسية قضايا حقوق الإنسان.


وأشار طهبوب في مداخلته إلى نية الكلية توطيد التعاون مع مفوضية الأمم المتحدة للاجئين من خلال انشاء برامج أكاديمية مشتركة تتعمق في دراسة قطاع اللاجئين وأثره على الدولة المضيفة بما يتناسب مع خططها وبرامجها .

Prince Al Hussien Bin Abdullah II School of International Studies on Thursday, February 16, held a ceremony to celebrate 2016-2017 first semester graduates as part of the University of Jordan’s (UJ) 52nd graduation ceremony. In his remarks at the ceremony, Prof. Abdullah Al-Nagrash, the School's dean, congratulated the graduates and their relatives and wished them a bright future and successful careers. Al-Nagrash also urged the graduates to keep abreast of developments and work hard to achieve their ambitions. He also called on the students to apply what they have learned for the good of their homeland. One of the graduates gave a speech on behalf of the graduates in which he expressed his appreciation to the School's faculty and staff for all their efforts. At the end of the ceremony, Al-Nagrash handed over the graduation certificates to the 95 graduates.

The Prince Al Hussein Bin Abdullah II School of International Studies organized a seminar dubbed: "ASEAN and the Middle East: Trajectories for Future Relations," presented by Dr. Philips Vermonte, the Executive Director of the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Jakarta, Indonesia.


To be continued…



By Nada Abu Sbeih


The Prince Al Hussein Bin Abdullah II School of International Studies and the Center for Strategic Studies hosted Dr. Jason Hart – a social anthropologist from the University of Bath and a John Willis Teaching Award winner – on Tuesday November 21st. He delivered a lecture titled, “Children’s Rights: History, Theory, and the Context of Mass Displacement,” to a packed room of 120 attendees. The event was co-organized by Dr. Shadaab Rahemtulla and Dr. Sara Ababneh.


Much of Dr. Hart’s work is centered around people who live on the margins of society, especially young people and children. He explores this theme in the context of the Middle East, particularly in terms of occupied Palestine and Jordan.


The lecture addressed the issue of children’s rights in the Middle East; the emergence and development of children’s rights since the eighteenth century; and the impact of war on children and their rights.


The emergence of children’s rights, as a discourse, was closely tied to the atrocities of war and its aftermath, most notably World War I. ‘Children are victims of collective punishment,’ Dr. Hart stated.  Although the state started to relate to children since the mid-eighteenth century, he stressed that their rights are not only a government’s responsibility, but also a universal concern. However, the full emergence of the rights of the child did not come about until the signing and ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) of 1989 by all member states except the US.


Focusing on one aspect of the convention which is education, Dr. Hart emphasized that securing children’s rights in this area is not simply about changing attitudes, mindsets, and behaviors, but also, and more significantly, about states changing the material, socioeconomic challenges that face everyday people, particularly the poor. He critiqued an aspect of the convention which stated that the hosting country should primarily shoulder the burden or responsibility of protecting the rights of refugees, of which children’s rights are part and parcel. For him, this is problematic, since many Western governments and their imperial interventions have been key causes for such mass displacement in the first place. He also critiqued how the convention overlooks the importance of considering the reality of the hosting country. Many hosting countries, such as Jordan, are already poor. That is to say, hosting countries themselves face many challenges in protecting refugee children’s rights (not to mention the rights of their own child citizenry) and hence other bodies need to also shoulder the burden, such as Western governments, the countries of origin, UN bodies, and international organizations.


Another problem that did not escape his notice was the corruption of many big, corporate donors such as IKEA and Facebook, which happily donate to children’s rights organizations – and benefit from the positive publicity of doing so – while, at the same time, having a history of tax avoidance. This means that states will have significantly fewer resources to fund key institutions that affect children, such as education (i.e.: providing quality teacher training and equipping schools with adequate facilities). Advocating and safeguarding children’s rights, therefore, is not an isolated, single-issue project, but rather requires thinking critically, broadly, and politically about children and their contexts.




ألقى المنسق الحكومي لحقوق الإنسان الدكتور باسل الطراونة محاضرة بعنوان "التقرير السنوي للمركز الوطني لحقوق الإنسان" التي نظمتها كلية الأمير الحسين بن عبدالله الثاني للدراسات الدولية للحديث عن جهود الحكومة الأردنية في دعم مجال حقوق الإنسان في الأردن. وكان ذلك الأربعاء الماضي 29/11/2017م.

وشارك السيد الطراونة بعض الأعضاء الممثلين لمكتب لجنة متابعة توصيات حقوق الإنسان ومنهم محمد العمري (مساعد مدير عام وكالة الأنباء الأردنية البترا) والمحامية آمال حدادين (عضو في اللجنة الوطنية الأردنية لشؤون المرأة) وسهير صويص (من وزارة الشؤون السياسية والبرلمانية) والقاضي زياد الحجاج (من دائرة قاضي القضاة) والمقدم سامح الهدبان (من مكتب الشفافية وحقوق الإنسان في مديرية الأمن العام).

وكان من المدعويين بعض الشخصيات المهمة كالدكتور خليل العبداللات من رئاسة الوزراء والصحفي رامي الأمير من وكالة الأنباء الأردنية البترا و الصحفية رنا الحسيني من الجوردن تايمز.

بدأ الطراونة الحديث مشيدا بجهود الأردن في تطوير وتعزيز وإسناد منظومة حقوق الإنسان في الأردن حيث اجتهدت الدولة في عام 2014 لاستحداث منصب المنسق الحكومي لحقوق الإنسان ولجنة متابعة توصيات حقوق الإنسان. هذه اللجنة مكونة من أعضاء ممثلين لجميع الوزارات الأمنية والأكادمية والحكومية. وأشار لأهمية دور جميع هذه المؤسسات في التعاون وتطبيق حقوق الإنسان فيما يتوافق مع الدستور الأردني والقوانين كنوع من الأساليب والآليات التي اتبعتها الدولة في استدامة التواصل مع كل الجهات الداعمة لحقوق الإنسان. 

وأكد الطراونة أن الحكومة تقوم باستقبال تقارير من هذه الجهات لتقوم بتحليلها والرد عليها من خلال وضع التوصيات ومن ثم العمل على إنفاذها وتطبيقها. وكما تقوم الحكومة أيضا بمناقشة تقرير الأردن أمام الإستعراض الدولي الشامل لحقوق الانسان. وأضاف أن الحكومة قامت باحترام وتنفيذ ما يزيد عن 162 توصية مقدمة من قبل دول مختلفة للأردن منذ عام 2013. وأكد الطراونة أن مثل هذه الجهود تكون بتنسيق من المنسق الحكومي مع فريق التنسيق الحكومي ولجنة متابعة ملفات توصيات حقوق الإنسان.

ومن الجهود الحكومة أيضا إنتاج الخطة الوطنية الشاملة لحقوق الإنسان في عام 2014 على إثر توجيهات ملكية للحكومة في نهج تشاركي وحواري مع كافة الأطراف المتخصصة والمعنية حيث تم إطلاق هذه الخطة في نهاية عام 2016 كإستراتيجة تحمل في طياتها العديد من الفعاليات والبرامج والأهداف والخطط التنفيذية في كثير من المجالات السياسية منها والمدنية والثقافية والإجتماعية والإقتصادية والفئات الخاصة الأكثر عرضة للإنتهاك كالمرأة والطفل وكبار السن وذوي الإعاقة.  

وركز الطراونة على أن الحكومة تقوم بمتابعة توصيات المركز الوطني لحقوق الإنسان بموجب القانون ووفق معايير دولية وتقوم بمراقبة عمل السلطة التنفيذية واحترامها لحقوق الإنسان وسلوكها عند حدوث الإنتهاكات وأوجه القصور.

وأضاف أن الأردن مهتم بالإلتزام الوطني والإقليمي بميثاق جامعة الدول العربية لحقوق الانسان حيث كان هناك إشادة واضحة بالتزام واحترام الأردن لحقوق الإنسان خلال استعراضها التقرير السنوي الوطني أمام جامعة الأمم العربية حيث تم توجيه الكثير من الجهود نحو الإهتمام بقانون حماية الأسرة من العنف وقانون ذووي الإعاقة وتعديلات على قانون العقوبات وأبرزها إلغاء المادة 308 التي تنص على تزويج المرأة من مغتصبها. وأكد أنه لا يتهاون في التعاون والسعي وراء إنفاذ هذه الأهداف أيا من مؤسسات المجتمع المدني والسلطات التشريعية والتنفيذية والقضائية والحكومة والهيئات والنقابات والأحزاب والبرلمان.

وركز الطراونة على 15 توصية مختصة بالإعالام الأردني ودعى لدراسة قانون لحماية الصحافيين أثناء الأزمات والمؤتمرات والمسيرات والمظاهرات والحراكات كأحد مدركات خطة حماية حقوق الإنسان.

وأضاف الطراونة أن "الأردن لن يتهاون أو يتراجع عن حماية حقوق الإنسان" وأن العام 2018 سيشهد المزيد من إنفاذ الحكومة لالتزاماتها في الإطار الدولي والتقارير الدولية مثل تقرير الاستعراض الدولي الشامل اليو بي آر. وشدد الطراونة أنه على الرغم من وجود الكثير من العثرات والأخطاء والإختلالات في بعض القضايا إلا أن الدولة تقوم بالعديد من الخطط العلاجية والوقائية لتحسين منظومة حقوق الإنسان في الأردن.

وأدلى بعض الأعضاء المشاركين ببعض المعلومات التي تخص عمل كل من الجهات المتخصصة التي هم أعضاء فيها فيما يخص حقوق الإنسان حبث شاركت سهير صويص للحديث عن أهمية دور المجتمع المدني في المشاركة بالأعمال الحكومية في وزارة الشؤون السياسية والبرلمانية. حيث أن مؤسسات المجتمع المدني لحقوق الإنسان هي 32 مؤسسة لكل منها إختصاص. وأكدت أن الوزارة تقوم بدورات تدريبية وأنشطة لنشر ثقافة حقوق الإنسان وأهمية المشاركة في الإنتخابات. وأضافت أن الوزارة تقوم بالرد على تقرير المركز الوطني لحقوق الإنسان من خلال قراءة التقرير ووضع توصيات وتشكيل لجنة لقراءة التوصيات والقرارات.

بينما شدد محمد العمري على أن منظومة حقوق الإنسان غير مقتصرة على حق التعبير وحق السياسة فقط بل أن هناك الكثير من الحقوق التي يجب مراعاتها والإهتمام بها كحق الصحة والتعليم والسكن والترفيه والتنقل. وأضاف أن عمل وكالة الأنباء الأردنية يتمحور حول نشر ثقافة الوعي بحقوق الإنسان للمجتمع المدني حيث يساعد ذلك على التعاون والتشارك بين المواطن والدولة للعمل على مواصلة عملية تحسين حقوق الإنسان.

وأكد المقدم سامح الهدبان أن الأمن العام هو منظومة تنفيذ القانون واتباع حقوق الإنسان والمعايير الدولية. وأضاف أن من أحد إنجازات الأردن في الأمن العام هو إنشاء مكتب المظالم وحقوق الإنسان في 2005 التابع لحقوق الإنسان والذي تم تغير مسماه للشفافية وحقوق الإنسان. ويعمل هذا المكتب على متابعة الشكاوى عن رجال الأمن العام الذين ارتكبوا مخالفات ومعالجة ممارساتهم التي لا تتفق مع القانون ومتابعة القضايا والتنسيق مع المنظمات الحكومية وغير الحكومية والمجتمع المدني والتفتيش الدوري والمعلن والمفاجئ في مراكز الإصلاح وأماكن الإحتجاز المؤقت. وأكد أن كل ذلك تم تطبيقه وفقا للمعايير الدولية ومتابعة تقارير المركز الوطني والمنظمات الدولية.

وتناولت آمال حدادين موضوع تعزيز وتمكين المرأة في كافة الجوانب الإقتصادية والإجتماعية والسياسية لمناهضة العنف ضد المرأة. وذكرت أن من الجهود المبذولة في هذا السياق تعديل المادة التي تنص على أن السن الأساسي للزواج هو 15 سنة للمرأة وإمكانية إعضالها الولي في ذلك السن لأن هذه القوانين تؤدي إلى منع المرأة من حق التعليم. فأدى ذلك التعديل على تغير ذلك السن من سن أساسي لسن إستثنائي.

وأخيرا أضاف القاضي زياد الحجاج أن الثقافة المجتمعية أو المحلية قد تؤدي إلى مخالفة حقوق المرأة كمنعها من الذهاب للقضاء للحصول على الطلاق ولكن أكد أن الأمور تسير للأفضل الآن لأن المرأة أصبحت أكثر وعيا ومعرفة بحقوقها. 


On his Majesty’s birthday last Tuesday, King Abdullah bin Al Hussein II honoured the University of Jordan with a visit to the Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II School of International Studies. The visit featured an open dialogue among students on topics from local to international relevance. Particularly, the King emphasised the importance of youth and grass-roots activism, encouraging the students to take a stand for a politically modernised Jordan. 


            The meeting also covered controversial subjects such as the latest developments with the Palestinian Case, and Jordan’s hand in resolving political crises in the region. Further, he emphasised the two-pronged impact of nepotism and political biases upon Jordan’s economy, and the importance of administrative reform and respect for the Rule of Law, ensuring that 2018 will witness acute concentration on administrative reform and the fighting of corruption. Each point was underlined by the imperative role of youth in the process of reform, development, and achievement. 


           On political reform his Majesty the King stated that to move forward with this issue, political parties need to be designed with intent, and “work for citizen’s interest and not just that of a group of people or a geographical area,” adding that “it is hard to continue forward in the political reform process without having two or three strong political parties at least.” Elaborating upon this point, he stated that if in “three years Jordan were to turn its current parliamentarian blocs into political parties that favour political programs, we would be able to form a partisan government.” He then reiterated that any development such as this relies almost solely on Jordan’s two generations, and how the “old and the new” mentalities approach a project of this magnitude.   


            His Majesty called on Jordan’s citizens, young and old, to “pressure MPs to apply the principle of the Rule of Law,” clarifying that the law on the decentralisation of municipalities aims at “transferring power from Amman to the provinces” in order to reinstate decision making “in the hands of the citizen.” His Majesty acknowledged the impact this will have on MPs as the transfer of power to the municipalities would require 50 fewer deputies and parliamentarians, however stressing that it is a necessary sacrifice for future MPs to be deputies of the nation. Again, his Majesty emphasised the significance of public and parliamentarian pressure in ensuring governments and officials progress and strive for change and achievement, going so far as to propose a joint attack, with Jordan’s youth demanding change from the ground up, and the King himself applying pressure from the very top.   


             His Majesty stressed the need to protect poverty-stricken lower classes, and strengthen the middle class, highlighting that political reform is faster and better in countries that have an established and broad middle class. In a similar strain, His Majesty clarified that the royal discussion papers intend to open direct avenues of discussion between citizens and officials to instil a sense of civic responsibility and empowerment in the hopes of encouraging greater efficiency and capacity in the people of Jordan without direct interference from His Majesty. 


            Ultimately, the King’s visit to the Prince Al Hussein Bin Abdullah II School of International Studies highlighted the value of the individual, and the unlimited potential students in particular have to effect positive change in the Kingdom across all platforms, but most vitally in terms of political reform and responsibility. Indeed, the King reminded students to take the current labour market into account when choosing their specialisations, for the sake of economy and civic responsibility. 


An American Studies panel chaired by Dr. Naser Tahboub was held at the Prince Al Hussein Bin Abdullah II School of International Studies last Tuesday. The four participating speakers in the panel (Dr.Debbie Abuelghanam, Mr. Alain Mcnamara, Mr.Peter Neisuler, and Dr. Allison Hodgkins) focused on the importance of the American Studies Program and the American-Jordanian relationship.   

The American Studies Program is a multidisciplinary program. It comprises many fields of knowledge such as economy, history, media…etc. Students of this program will benefit from gaining many experiences and skills including but not limited to research skills, cultural awareness, and critical thinking.

Furthermore, one example of the programs that support and can further one’s academic and cultural knowledge about America is the Fulbright Program Opportunities for Jordanian Graduate Students. This binational and exchange program, which was found in 1996, helps students to build empathy between the American and Jordanian cultures, share experiences, and widen students’ horizons. Therefore, this program promotes human resources in both countries. Such programs are not only knowledge oriented, they are also life changing programs where one can study in the other country and get involved in learning about the culture by dealing with people on a daily basis.

Mr. Neisuler stressed that the bilateral relationship between Jordan and America has been over 70 years. It has not been only a military and security partnership, where part of this relationship was education.

This collaboration with Jordan is based on some cornerstones. For example, America maintains a good relationship with Jordan due to its strategic role and importance in the region. Jordan is also a great ally of America. Moreover, King Abdullah II has great efforts in fighting terrorism. Therefore, the aim of this collaboration is to achieve and advance peace and prosperity for both countries.

Dr. Hodgkins singled out the American foreign policy in the Middle East (ME). She defined very few preventive interest areas in the region including 1) oil and gas in the ME that can promote the global health economy, 2) the geopolitical and strategic importance of Jordan, and 3) Jordan counter-terrorism efforts.


Dr. Robert Jenkins, the UNICEF Jordan country representative, delivered a lecture titled: “Volunteerism Empowering Youth in Jordan for Better Opportunities for Employment” on October 8th, 2018 at The Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II School of International Studies.

The youth nowadays face various barriers in relation to education and employment. Many of them are not enrolled in educational institutions or workplaces, which may curb their progressing process. Thus, Dr. Jenkins emphasized the importance of acquiring soft skills in particular in order for the youth to engage in the community.   

He also highlighted that education and employment must be blended, where education alone is not sufficient. For example, Tatawa3, an application for voluntary work, provides the youth with volunteering opportunities to enhance their skills that the workplaces require of job seekers.

Towards the end of the lecture, Dr. Jenkins threw the following question at the audience: “Is it a helpful thing to provide the youth with these volunteering opportunities?” The majority of the respondents agreed that volunteering is critical for the youth. However, they mentioned some obstacles that may hinder gaining such opportunities such as the lack of internet access. He also engaged the audience in thinking about another issue, which is: “Why women are highly engaged in education, but their engagement in employment does not amount to the same level?”

By:   Nada Abu Sbeih


WMD and Security Forum – 2018 Session

Implications of US Withdrawal From the Nuclear Agreement with Iran

Professor Mohammed Katatsheh

Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II School of International Studies

The United States has withdrawn form JCPOA describing this agreement as threatening the stability of the Middle East, Supporting Hamas, the Taliban and al Qaeda, financing terrorism and threatening US security and stability. President Donald Trump blamed his predecessor, President Obama, by referring to the agreement as <<disastrous.>>  The US decision to withdraw from the agreement has negative repercussions, with possible impact on relationship between the US administration and its European allies. Obviously, Trump’s decision would affect the credibility of the United States of America with its allies and its failure to comply with concluded agreements, portraying Washington as irresponsible  party.



Workshop “towards a nextGen group of experts on security and WMD Issues “

Amman (Jordan) November


التقى عميد كلية الأمير الحسين بن عبدالله الثاني للدراسات الدولية في الجامعة الأردنية الأستاذ الدكتور محمد القطاطشة اليوم وفداّ من السفارة الكازاخستانية في عمان.

وبحث الوفد الذي ضم كل من المستشار الثقافي في السفارة جينيس توريكوف، والقنصل الكازاخستاني ألماز بايشيجاشيف سبل تعزيز التعاون مع الكلية في مختلف المجالات العلمية والثقافية، وتفعيل مركز الفارابي الذي أنشئ في الكلية بالتعاون مع جامعة الفارابي الوطنية.

وأكد الجانبان رؤيتهما المشتركة في تعزيز تبادل أعضاء هيئة التدريس، والطلبة، وإقامة المشاريع العلمية والمؤتمرات والندوات المشتركة.

ولفت الأستاذ الدكتور القطاطشة إلى اهتمام الكلية بعقد المحاضرات والندوات والموائد المستديرة التي يتحدث فيها سياسيون ودبلوماسيون أمام الطلبة بهدف تمكينهم سياسياً وفكرياً وتنمية قدراتهم على التعبير والنقاش الأكاديمي.

واتفق الجانبان على عقد المزيد من اللقاءات ووضع مقترح عملي وإطار زمني محدد لتفعيل التعاون فيما بينهما.


A meeting was held at the University of Jordan, between the Chairman of the Independent Election Commission (IEC), Dr. Khalid Al-Kalaldeh, Dean of Prince Al-Hussein bin Abdullah II School for International Studies, Dr. Muhammad Al-Qatatsheh and Professor #AndreadeGuttry, Deputy Rector at Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, #Pisa, #Italy).

📄The meeting sought to enhance the existing cooperation between the three institutions.

🗞 In 2018, the الهيئة المستقلة للانتخاب - الأردن signed an agreement with Sant'Anna School and the European Centre for Electoral Support


​​The Dean participated in "The Deal Century and options for dealing with it" Workshop



The University of Jordan, represented by its President Dr. Abdul Karim Al-Qadi, concluded a memorandum of understanding with the Independent Electoral Commission, represented by its president, Dr. Khalid Al-Kalalda, with the aim of establishing a joint academic program under the name "High Diploma in Election Management".

The memorandum provided for the division of efforts between the two parties, so that the Authority will facilitate the procedures for establishing the program in accordance with the procedures followed by the Ministry of International Education, while the role of the University of Jordan relates to the preparation of the academic framework related to the program of study plans and preparation of materials and description.

According to the memorandum, the students also agreed on a number of things, including the selection of Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II School of International Studies at the University of Jordan, the headquarters of the program, and the program will be subject to instructions to award the diploma of higher studies at the Jordanian University of Jordan to its board of mayors.

In addition, the course will be one academic year, after which certificates will be issued to those enrolled in the program bearing the logo and name of the students. The note also noted that the program's teaching system will be flexible, as it can be fully integrated, electronic, or entirely traditional.

At the end of the meeting, both sides expressed their happiness for this cooperation. Also mentioned is the presence of Dr. Mohammed al-Qatatsha, the signing of the memorandum, as the Dean of Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II School of International Studies, the scheduled meeting of the program.


​The Dean of Prince Hussein bin Abdullah II College of International Studies at the University of Jordan, Dr. Mazen Al-Aqili, discussed during a meeting with the Moroccan Deputy Ambassador Khalifa Ait Al-Shaib in his office today, the possibility of activating ways of academic cooperation with Moroccan universities.

Al-Aqili stressed the need to enhance the depth of this cooperation under the umbrella of a general agreement that includes the establishment of joint programs in graduate studies, in addition to an exchange of students, faculty members and administrators if possible. In order to get acquainted with the experience of each party and to benefit from the available expertise in all fields.

 Al-Aqili presented an overview of the college, its programs, specializations, and the number of its students, indicating that the college is about to launch a doctoral program in international relations.

In turn, Ait Al-Shaib referred to the historical ties and strong commonalities that give privacy and distinction to the relations between the two sister kingdoms, which require making more efforts to promote the current cooperation to the educational and academic fields.

In a part of the conversation, the Deputy Ambassador touched on the relationship between Jordan and Morocco on solid foundations based on trust, respect, solidarity and mutual support, reviewing the history of fraternal relations that bind the two countries, especially the position of His Majesty King Abdullah II bin Al Hussein on the issue of Western Sahara and the directions of His Majesty to open a Jordanian consulate. In the city of Laayoune in that region.​


Dr. Khaled Kalaldeh, Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Independent Electoral Commission, stressed the importance of the role that youth play in political life in general and elections in particular, calling at the same time, calling on youth to be tools of change for the better. He also called for investing in technical development and the communications revolution and the Internet politically, culturally, socially and economically. . This came during the conclusion of the training program organized by the Independent Election Commission in cooperation with the University of Jordan.

Prof. Mohammad Al Katatsheh / University of Jordan also commended the efforts made by the Independent Election Commission in training university students and informing them about the procedures of the electoral process in all its stages and the nature of the Commission's work between electoral cycles.

The students participating in the program reviewed the research study that was prepared by them under the title "Political Participation according to the recommendations of the Royal Committee to Modernize the Political System", which aimed to demonstrate the impact of the recommendations of the Royal Committee on participation in the electoral process, in addition to identifying the impact of the development of political parties according to the recommendations Royal Committee.

The students also presented the obstacles facing women's participation in political work, as well as the reasons for the weak political participation of young people, and the success of the recommendations of the Royal Committee to Modernize the Political System in modifying the behavior of societal groups in political participation.

The study also targeted a sample of (622) male and female students at the University of Jordan in its various faculties to study the impact of the youth’s views on the political process and the outcomes of the Royal Committee in terms of recommendations, in addition to measuring the impact of the university environment on students’ political awareness.


At the end, certificates were distributed to the participating students.​


​Under the patronage of Prof. Faisal Al-Rufou’, Dean of Prince Hussein Bin Abdullah II College of International Studies, and Dr. Wissam Al-Hazaymah, Assistant Dean for Student Affairs and Quality. The college held a dialogue session in the presence of a delegation from the United Nations Organization for Building and Development and in the presence of Dr. Nahid Omeish, Dean of the College of Foreign Languages, and the topic of the session was about the outcomes of the Royal Commission and the shape of the upcoming elections.​


In a precedent, the first of its kind at the level of Jordanian universities, “Jordanian” deviated from its official protocols to hold the meeting of its deans’ council, in particular, in the heart of the desert, over a wasteland of 1960 dunums; It is the university's dry lands research station in Al-Muwaqar, to find out directly about its needs.



Today, Thursday, the Dean of the Prince Hussein Bin Abdullah II School of International Studies at the University of Jordan, Dr. Faisal Al-Rafu', received Dr. Abdullah Manham, a representative of the Islamic University of India. The two sides discussed, in the presence of the Director of the International Affairs Unit, Dr. Hadeel Yassin, mechanisms and opportunities for joint cooperation in the academic and cultural fields, and the possibility of exchanging students, researchers and faculty members. During the meeting, Al-Rufou reviewed the course of the college, its departments, and the academic programs it offers, and pointed out during his speech to the depth of the historical relations that unite the two friendly countries, especially in the higher education sector. . For her part, Al-Yaseen referred to a number of possible cooperation opportunities with the University of Jordan, such as the possibility of cooperation in the field of student exchange to study Arabic, Sharia and postgraduate studies. In turn, the guest expressed his happiness at visiting the university, praising the prestigious academic reputation it enjoys, and expressing his hope for the consolidation of academic cooperation between the University of Jordan and the Islamic University in the Indian state of Kerala.


The visit of the Ambassador of the State of Bangladesh, Nahidah Subhan, accompanied by Mr. Shahed Bin Aziz, Chargé d'Affairs, to the Prince Hussein Bin Abdullah II College of International Studies at the University of Jordan. During her visit to Prince Hussein bin Abdullah II College of International Studies at the University of Jordan, Prof. Dr. Faisal Odeh Al-Raffou’, Dean of Prince Hussein Bin Abdullah II College of International Studies, discussed with Her Excellency Ambassador Nahidah subhan, about aspects of cooperation between the two countries, where Prof. Dr. Al-Raffou’ reviewed what The University of Jordan is doing the consolidation of cooperation relations in the scientific and cultural field, and the initiative of the college to open horizons for cooperation between the two countries, Jordan and Bangladesh, such as the exchange of scholarships, students and academic visits. Professor Al-Rufou' and His Excellency the Ambassador also reviewed all the political, economic and cultural relations that share many aspects of common factors, such as culture and deep-rooted history, in addition to the strong friendship between the leaderships of the two countries, Jordan and Bangladesh.


The book "The Great Transition," published recently by the King Abdullah II Fund for Development, documents the progress of the Jordanian state in the 21st century. It highlights achievements in prosperity and development across various fields, the challenges faced, and the natural resilience that has enabled Jordan to maintain stability amidst global chaos.

The book begins with a quote from His Majesty King Abdullah II on October 23, 2012: "This Jordanian state is not an achievement of one person or party, but rather a cumulative achievement of all Jordanians from generation to generation." This reflects Jordan's leadership philosophy, which emphasizes collective achievement and reform.

Professor Mohammad Katatsheh, a political science professor at the University of Jordan, summarizes the book as a comprehensive review and documentation of the events that have shaped Jordan today. The book aims to correct mistakes and overcome regional challenges that have directly and indirectly affected Jordan. Katatsheh notes that Jordan's geopolitical circumstances have required pragmatic leadership since its founding, demonstrating a rational policy that avoids expansionism and revolutionary upheavals seen in other regional countries.

The book also discusses the evolution of the Jordanian national identity amidst fragmented regional identities. Over the past 25 years, King Abdullah II has balanced the Jordanian and Arab national identities, launching the "Jordan First" initiative to establish a clear Jordanian identity.

The second chapter addresses Jordanian politics and strategic challenges, particularly during the Arab Spring. Initially seeking reform and anti-corruption measures, the movement was co-opted by aspiring forces and organizations, leading to chaos and refugee crises that heavily impacted Jordan. Despite the burden of refugee costs on infrastructure, economy, and resources, Jordan continues to play a moral role, as highlighted by King Abdullah II at the Geneva Refugee Forum.

In the third chapter, the book examines Jordan's economic management in the 20th century. While successful in monetary policy, Jordan struggled with economic and investment challenges. King Abdullah II often addresses economic issues like unemployment and inflation, urging governments to learn from past mistakes and implement necessary reforms.

Chapter four tackles water and energy challenges, revealing a deep crisis in these sectors that requires a major review, especially as Jordan enters its second century amidst regional and global transformations.

The book highlights Jordan's advancements in modernity, services, education, and health, boasting one of the lowest illiteracy rates globally. Stability achieved through consensus on the political system and Hashemite leadership has enabled Jordan to navigate and correct various challenges.

The final chapter focuses on legislation development, rule of law, anti-corruption efforts, public sector modernization, and digitization of services, emphasizing good governance and transparency. 


​In celebration of the 70th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Jordan and Japan, Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II School of Political Science and International Studies, in collaboration with the Japanese Embassy in Amman, organized an event on "Japanese Language and Culture." The event, held under the patronage of the Vice President for Humanities, Professor Nahed Omeish, and Japanese Ambassador H.E Jiro Okuyama, highlighted the importance of cultural exchange.

Professor Omeish emphasized the university's commitment to promoting cultural understanding, noting the global significance of Japanese culture. She highlighted the role of language in enhancing communication and cooperation between nations.

Ambassador Okuyama underscored the depth of Japanese-Jordanian relations, expressing hopes for continued cultural and linguistic cooperation. He announced the upcoming launch of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) in Jordan, reflecting Japan's commitment to promoting its language and culture in the region.

The event featured cultural activities, including a calligraphy session and a taste of Japanese cuisine. The JLPT, consisting of five levels from N1 to N5, will be held on July 7, 2024, at the Modern Language Center in Amman.


The Deanship of Student Affairs, in collaboration with the Independent Election Commission and Prince Hussein bin Abdullah II School of Political Science and International Studies, organized an elections orientation day. The event included an exhibition on political parties, electronic voting processes, and a simulation of the voting process. Professors Amin Al-Mashaqbeh and Hadeel Al-Zoubi delivered lectures on political participation and election laws to increase students' awareness and engagement in the decision-making process.


​​Professor Mohammad Katatsheh emphasized Jordan's sovereign right to protect its airspace and the Arab Army's capability in doing so during an interview with Al-Telegraph. This follows incidents involving Iranian drones.


​Mays Al-Qawasmeh, the Regional Director of Human Resources at SEDCO Group, delivered a lecture on employability skills at Prince Al Hussein Bin Abdullah II School of Political Science and International Studies. She highlighted the importance of modern skills in securing jobs and provided tips on job searching, CV preparation, and the role of technology in skill development. Assistant to the Dean for Student and Graduate Affairs, Dr. Enas Al-Dabbas, emphasized the School's commitment to preparing students for the job market.​


​he University of Jordan hosted South African Ambassador Tselani Mokoena for a symposium on South Africa's role in addressing the war on Gaza. The University President Professor Nathir Obeidat praised the bilateral relations and South Africa's humanitarian stance on Palestine. Mokoena highlighted South Africa's constitutional commitment to human rights and international peace, quoting Nelson Mandela's call for justice and equality.​


Professor Hassan Al-Momani, Dean of Prince Hussein bin Abdullah II School of Political Science and International Studies, encouraged student participation in the upcoming Student Union Council elections. The meeting aimed to inform students about the electoral process and the importance of democratic participation.​​

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