| Prof. Faisal Al-Rfouh | Professor | Political Science |
| Prof. Abdelmajed Al-Azzam | Professor | Political Science |
| Prof. Amin Al Mashaqbeh | Professor | Political Science |
| Prof. Mohammad Al-Katatsheh | Professor | Political Science |
| Prof. Mohd Khair Eiedat | Professor | Political Science |
| Dr. Mohammad Abu Rumman | Associate Professor | Political Science |
| Dr. Ayman Al Barasneh | Associate Professor | Political Science |
| Dr. Mohammad Al-Khraisha | Associate Professor | Political Science |
| Dr. Wisam Hazimeh | Assistant Professor | Political Science |
| Dr. Shera Mahasneh | Lecturer | Political Science |
| Dr. Enas Dabbas | Lecturer | Political Science |
| Dr. Lubna Bayouq | Lecturer | Political Science |
| Prof. Bülent Gökay | Honorary Professor | International Relations and Diplomatic and Regional Studies |
| Prof. Anoush Ehteshami | Honorary Professor | International Relations and Diplomatic and Regional Studies |
| Prof. Mazen Alougili | Professor | International Relations and Diplomatic and Regional Studies |
| Prof. Hassan Barari | Professor | International Relations and Diplomatic and Regional Studies |
| Prof. Walid Abu dalbouh | Professor | International Relations and Diplomatic and Regional Studies |
| Prof. Hasan Al Momani | Professor | International Relations and Diplomatic and Regional Studies |
| Dr. Naser Tahboub | Associate Professor | International Relations and Diplomatic and Regional Studies |
| Dr. Debbie Abu Alghanam | Assistant Professor | International Relations and Diplomatic and Regional Studies |
| Prof. Zaid Eyadat | Professor | International Development |
| Prof. Abdelfattah Rashdan | Professor | International Development |
| Dr. Walaa Al Husban | Lecturer | International Development |